Creating a Family Environment to Maximize the Potential of Your Business as a Contractor


We've all had some lousy job experiences in our day. Open communication and flexibility with new hires is a concept that has only flourished in professional spaces in recent years. As an adult, you've probably mainly been exposed to the figure it out yourself training style common in many organizations. Despite the stressful environment it creates, this tough-it-out and do not mess up mentality continues to be very popular. Especially in companies run by older generations. Nonetheless, it is not necessarily the most effective. The world's views on work environments are shifting. Changing your approach to training your employees can have increasingly positive results. 


When starting a brand-new job, it's easy to feel nervous when you don't know what to do or make a mistake. Hands-on jobs like construction and plumbing typically involve a higher level of risk than your average gig. Consequently, an error can be very costly for you and your clients. Think of a pipe burst or a miscalculated pillar. A situation could become dangerous very quickly. For this reason, the consequences of doing something wrong often lead to aggressive responses from higher-ups. As you may imagine, one tends to be less likely to speak up when completing a project. 


Additionally, complex projects require a tremendous amount of work. Often, a substantial team is needed. Everyone has a job to complete, and finishing the work correctly and promptly is of the essence. Having to step back to check on a new employee or an employee in training may seem like a big hassle. In these circumstances, taking the time to show support for your recently hired worker is essential. The last thing you want is for a large-scale project to suffer setbacks due to employee doubts. 


As we discuss in The Importance of Mentorship in the Trades (Link to blog), mentorship programs can be a fantastic tool for creating comradery in a company. Having someone to look up to and seek advice from is always encouraging—particularly in meticulously mechanical and technical jobs. However, if you find yourself in a situation where your relationship with your mentor is intimidating, it can be incredibly counterproductive. As a company, creating a company culture that encourages its employees to work as a team can be very beneficial. 


Productivity and efficiency come when workers feel comfortable asking questions or for help when they need it. A family culture has many benefits. Of course, keep in mind that professionalism and constructive criticism continue to be critical. A company should strive to achieve a healthy balance. Workers should feel the encouragement and importance of working hard to do their best. They should aim to get the job done right. At the same time, they should be confident enough in their relationship with their superiors to express their doubts and concerns when appropriate. As a contractor in any trade, this is especially true. 


High employee turnover rates are something to avoid. Loyalty and trust come with time. You want to set a teamwork dynamic from the start. Reliability is vital, so make sure your team knows they can count on each other when needed. At the end of the day, this will encourage everyone to do the best job possible every time without hesitation. So do what you can to welcome your employees with encouragement and respect. Switch things up if you have to. Your business will thank you later!


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